Of course, the lovely state of our economy and employment has changed all of that. It is very difficult to find a job these days that you feel you are worthy of, capable of, or even deserve. People with Master's degrees can't even bag a job at Banana Republic, and that's telling you something. You could be the most well qualified, hard working person on the market right now but that doesn't mean you are valued.
Which brings me to my dilemma. Or should I say, my latest dilemma with my job. It is no secret that my current job is not my first choice. But what has always worked for me is being really, really good at my job (by working really hard) so that I always have a bit of leverage. In the past if I didn't feel appreciated or compensated for the amount of work I put in, I would just leave. Because in the past, it would be that easy for me to find a new job. But now, as I find myself in a crossroads of being more than mildly annoyed at my job, it seems the only viable option I have is to suck it up until things turn around. Every employer these days seems to have the "so what are you going to do about it?" attitude, being that they are very aware how covetable every open job vacancy is.
The thing is, I would normally take that attitude and run with it. Line something else up, quit this job and move on (even if it were for less pay). But, I recently started liking the work I do, seeing a future with the organization I work for and moved somewhere closer to where I work to shape a mapped out future. Currently, I hate my job but love my apartment. I don't hate the work I do, I just feel so unappreciated by the people who hold my job in their hands. I want to see a future where I am, but the people around me are making it very difficult. How does one justify keeping their mouth shut when they are doing much more than they see everyone else doing but getting no recognition for it?
I understand that this rant is more on the serious side than I usually write on, but it's one I feel like a lot of people have these days. The lack of jobs on the market are effecting people who already have jobs. It gives people no options. Again, I feel very lucky to be employed in times like these and must sound like a spoiled brat to some. But I am really appreciative of the good job I have. It just doesn't serve as an excuse to take advantage of people's hard work and dedication. Can I get an amen? Or am I alone here?
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