Final Update: 24 to do before 25
I had a birthday on Tuesday, so it's time to revisit my list of goals:
1. Fix up my bike/get a new bike and ride more. Winter weather seems to have slowed me down. I didn't fix up my bike but I definitely rode more this year. Not as much as I would have liked, but I did.
2. Move.
3. Visit a couple more states I've never been to, maybe a country. Sadly, I did not go anywhere new, but Chicago is in my future in 2014, and if I'm lucky so is a new country.
4. Continue eating healthy and drinking lots of water each day.
5. Focus on stressing less and remembering the important things. This is always a work in progress though. I still have a long ways to go.
6. Write more. Lots more.
7. Buy an espresso machine and make more coffee at home! Didn't happen. Not even close
8. Pay off half of my last student loan.
9. Be more open to things that are either a little scary or not necessarily my first choice. I went camping this year for the first time every so I consider this very accomplished.
10. Start to exercise a bit. Some Pop Physique classes here and there along with hikes. My non exercise routine will catch up with me! I completely kicked this goals ass! Literally! I've been kickboxing four days a week for the past four months.
11. Spend more time with my family.
12. Do more freelance work. Unfortunately, I only got two pieces freelanced this year. But to be fair I've been busy studying for the GRE
13. Take French II, again. Again, the option in my head was to either start studying for the GRE or get back into French. French lost.
14. Keep my relationship strong and wonderful. This is always a work in progress and I hope to be better and more patient as time goes on.
15. Try to wear more heels. This isn't a promise, but a possibility. I am always the shortest person in the room. I'm still a flats person, but I wore heels more this year than most.
16. Go to Palm Springs in the summertime.
17. Go camping for the first time.
18. Spend less time reading celebrity gossip on my computer and spend that time reading more. I still love my trashy news though
19. Bake at least five cakes. The last two times I made cakes they seemed to go horribly wrong, but I will not be discouraged! Nope, not even close.
20. Discover a new artist.
21. Start writing cards for friends/family more.
22. Create a delicious cocktail. Hot toddies have been a staple at my house lately
23. Learn to cook a few more recipes from my grandmother's cookbook.
24. Ride a scooter (the motorized kind!).
17 of 24 aint so bad in my opinion. 25 to do before 26 coming soon!
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