I simply loved this post by the wonderful Garance Doré. I think when I read blogs about fabulous people and their fabulous lives & travels I just assume they are effortlessly perfect. But oh, it is a good reminder that everyone has traits that they will never possess or characteristics they admire in others that are not part of them. So, inspired by Garance, here are a few things I'll never:
I'll never be good at expressing my emotions.
Oh, this is something I feel like I am always apologizing for. Although I am a writer, I find it really hard to properly verbalize how I feel about someone or something. It is something I am constantly working at, especially because I really want those that I love and adore to know how much I love and adore them. But it is something I always have trouble with. I never have trouble knowing how I feel, but it's the verbalizing part that is tough. It almost feels as though I feel such intensity in my gut and heart that words cannot form to recreate the wonder I feel. Does that make sense? Oh goodness!
I'll never be without bangs.
Never again, never again shall I go without bangs. I have had bangs since I was a child. My mother just loved the look of them. And then, growing up that made me very self conscious about my forehead. Even though I have a perfectly fine forehead that isn't very large or very small. But I do have a widows peak (of course I do, I'm Middle Eastern!). I tried not having bangs for the first time in my life last year and it was so difficult. I kept waiting for the point where I would love it, but alas I never did so I went back to being a girl with a face framed by hair. But hey, that's not so bad.
I'll never be a girl who can turn down dessert.
Nope, it's never gonna happen. And honestly, I don't want to be.
I'll never stop feeling like I'm not doing enough.
Whether it be taking on more hobbies, looking to further my career, spending more time with friends & family, or working at making my boy happy I always feel like there is more I can do. I don't know if this is such a bad thing, but I have been told that I am too hard on myself for this reason. I am only 23, but I am always afraid that I am not doing enough or contributing enough to make life better. I think I'm just afraid of missing out.
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