I think this bag has changed my life. Okay, that might be extreme, but I'm a girl who always carries a small purse. Just enough to fit the essentials. But, when I go to work I have more stuff (lunch, planner, files, etc.) and I've been lugging around ugly tote bag after ugly tote bag so I finally made an investment and bought the lovely creature above. Why has it made a difference?
I now carry a book with me as well, since I have the space, and instead of sitting at my desk with my leftover pasta at lunchtime reading gossip blogs, I go outside, sit on a bench, and read something lovely as I scarf down carbs. Peace of mind! It may sound like nothing, but there really is nothing worse than having a mouthfull of a turkey sandwich while oogling over the latest Ryan Gosling candids as my boss walks by to ask my something about a project I'm working on. I don't look awesome, or like someone who cares about reading books, I look kinda creepy. Ick. And with this new bag I have also started carrying around my camera more, stopping to take photos of things that I like to look at throughout the day. Much better than my crappy cell phone pictures that never make it off my cell phone.
I'm starting to think that little adjustments in simple things in my life are the key to being productive and staying inspired. Keep the adjustments coming.
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